Monday, September 24, 2007

without a glance, she turned away.

I wrote this on Monday...but, haven't gotten around to posting it until now.
Consequently, bear in mind--this was written on monday:

My day began in typical fashion.

I woke up to the melodious sound of "A-Castle-in-the-clouds" and the first initial response I had to it was: Oh no, it's not really morning yet, please let that sound be in my head. The funny thing is, sometimes I have imagined that song. It haunts my movements. This song signifies the beginning of most of my days. I dread hearing it now. I have it set to go off at precisely six am and it always seems to go off way too early. But, in fact, it really does go off at exactly 6 am.

This morning I did something different. Normally I am the type of person that rolls right out of bed. Not because I find it easy to get up in the morning. No, just that--if I lay there any longer I begin to feel guilty. Really...that feeling is too much for me. I can't handle it.

But, today I stayed in bed. Which, means one of two things. A) I must be deathly ill and paralyzed or B) I'm extremely tired + need a "power nap" after my "sleep" to give me enough strength to pursue the day full of classes.

That's where I ended writing on Monday. I don't know where exactly I was going with this. Perhaps [by the sounds of it] I was going to explain how little my life changes--thus, why staying in bed was a big deal. I mean, come on--that's not very exciting nor adventurous. But, my life changes to extremes. So, that couldn't be where I was going with it.

I'm going to post it because...

I haven't posted in a while.

Maybe I'll finish it up later with a good conclusion. My english teacher would be horrified to see this sloppy work. The paper is lacking slightly in the conclusion department-it has an all most non existant point. Well, the point is to express that I don't know what the point is....yet.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

If I weren't so tired-- I might have come up with a title

I read in my macroeconomics book: "Life is a continuous sequence of decisions."

I thought I'd do a post on that catchy phrase. But as soon as I began to type in this box I was overcome with this feeling of pure exhaustion.

so, maybe some other day.

Right now I'd much rather just sleep.
Goodnight everyone.