Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Kristin is on "permanent leave" from Chick-fil-a.
Brian didn't realize what a good thing he had when he had it. OR he did...but, he has a little too much pride.

"She's moved on to better and greater things." And it's true. Kristin got a job at American Eagle the day after she was fired from Chick-fil-a. The people at the mall love her. She'll be an added plus to the employees of AE.
And I will sorely miss her.

My one cashregister friend I could stand has been fired.
But, it worked out in her favor. It was a good thing, she needed to get out.

One of our regulars, an older gentleman asked me what school I go to today. I replied that I was homeschooled.
"Oh. That's a good thing." He said. Then after a moments pause and a minute of silent pondering, while he was sticking his straw into his cup, he looked up again and said, "a very good thing."
I agreed and smiled.
Customers like that make working a lot better. All most pleasurable. It is to customers like him that I can honestly say, "It's my pleasure...have a very nice day, sir."

I like it when people notice that I'm not like the rest of the cashregister girls. That there is a slight difference.

"It's a good thing."

1 comment:

linnea said...

she got fired?!
