Wednesday, February 7, 2007

white as snow. We get very excited over half-an-inch of snow around here. Schools close, people rush out to buy necessary food in case of being "trapped" inside by the MASSIVE amounts of snow that falls in this area. Oh, and let us not neglect the anual rush to the mound/hump we call a hill. Sledding down it is the thrill of a lifetime for flatlanders.

tomorrow it will be slush. Ah well, it's beautiful while it lasts. Somehow I know I wouldn't quite appreciate snow as much as I do if it came every-day. It is a mystery to behold when it does come and an excited time for many youngsters. Building snowforts, making snow angels, the classic building of a snowman and the scavenging to find a carrot for its nose.

Or in my siblings case, the building of many little snow men all across our road. So that, when you drive through the neighborhood you have the choice of either running over the little snowmen or finding a new way to get home. "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow."


Jane said...

I know exactly what you mean. I used to live in Las Vegas.

I'm just curious, where does your brother fall in the family? Mine's second to last. I have three sis, and I'm the middle child. Weird, ay?

Jonathan M said...

You must live down south if .5 of an inch is a lot. Up here in PA we've been getting that quite that now there's about 2 in. on the ground.

Jeanne said...

Snow does excite when you have it all winter (or most of the winter) When it's slushy or black ice on the sidewalks, then it's not so much fun :( Otherwise, it is so beautiful to wake up to a fresh white coating of snow (even more so in the city!). I still get those butterflies of excitement when I see that it's snowing... puts a smile on my face EVERY time!