Tuesday, February 20, 2007

How was your weekend?

Mine was spectacular. This past weekend I had the priveledge to journey to what now is a familiar spot in North Carolina. I went for my first time to a retreat held annually at Ridge Haven called YoWAW. Focused on getting young people excited about missions.

YoWAW (Youth World Awareness Weekend)

This retreat proved itself to be built on a firm foundation by the first day and pushed its way out of the box I had put it in.
What made me want to go: The main speaker for this year was Dr. Paul Kooistra. My absolute favorite speaker we have yet to have at our mission's conference. I was thrilled to know he would be at Ridge Haven.
There were two sessions on each particular day. Kooistra and David McNeeley spoke, alternating turns. On the first day we were handed a list of seminar choices and each day we had to attend two of our choice. My first choice was one entitled, "Christianity and the arts". It was like nothing I have seen before and proved to be very thought provoking. Using drama and sketches, the cutest couple explained through drama how you can use the arts and theater for the glory of God.

The difference in subjects and the unique ways each speaker had of getting his message across was awesome. It was interesting to be challenged to think along with two hundred and some other teenagers.
The location added to the overall opinion I have formed of this retreat. The mountains are gorgeous and without hesitation I would live forever in a city on a mountain. We would treck to the different locations where each building was held. Every moment I breathed in the fresh air and loved the walks up and down hills and through forests.
The fellowship was wonderful. I came to find that the Franklin family has a limitless number of cousins and relatives. Each new face seemed to be somehow distantly related in some way or an other. And as to my fellow traveling companions I grew to appreciate each indivual and their humorous/kind ways.
I love traveling with a small group of people because you are forced to spend time with people you wouldn't normally hang out with. It was awesome.
and the food was WONDERFUL. I ate well. (:
The eleven hour ride was well worth the weekend I spent at Ridge Haven.
Even the cold I aqquired on the second day did not dampen my mood for long.
I loved it.
and I want to go back next year.
It was beautiful.


Jane said...

That's awesome! It sounds great in every possible way.

I loved going to my summer camp in California. I really did miss it this last year. I don't think I'll be finding a new one either. The summers in WA are much busier than my summers were in NA. And this year we'll hopefully be going back to NA twice both for weddings.

I'll give you more of an update later.

linnea said...

hey Anna,
I am so glad you liked YOWAW, last year it rocked too. And trust me. . .if you like YOWAW...YOU'VE GOT TO COME TO URBANA '09 (it only happens every 3 years, but it will blow your mind)


sem said...

lovely . . .

how i miss you!!! i am STOKED to hear that you had a fantastic time at yowaw. be prepared to give a full report when i get back. i'm home on tuesday!!!