Thursday, July 12, 2007

Tales of a new day.

Last week I went to cambridge.
This week I make the "journey" again.
picture're with a good friend, the conversation begins to slowly falter and eventually it completely fades away. A silence grows steadily as the minutes pass by from whence you last spoke. You sit in the the moment without saying a word.
This has happened to me more than once. I have struggled in the past with feeling pressure of having to "fill in the silence" or somehow interrupt this "awkward pause."
HOWEVER. Thankfully, in a few circumstances I have felt completely at ease. Soaking up the moment and rejoicing in the fact that our friendship can hold strong even when there are no words to say.
"silence is golden."
for me, I prefer and am encouraged when I can simply sit still and not feel it necessary to constantly be doing something with a friend.
it is in those rare moments that I see a glimpse of true love between friends. a love that passes the barrier of having to be enterained...but, instead...remains steady in all circumstances.


sem said...

oh anna - how glad i am that you finally blogged again. i was getting so depressed being greeted by your last post each time i came to your page. glorious happy new post!

annie said...

oh anna-
(i have to begin the same way as sarah!)

perfect words, my dear friend. :)